Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Crakle Glaze preview

It's been crazy these past few days so I haven't been able to post all the things I wanted to.
In the meanwhile, get ready for some exciting news and step by steps...

I also wanted to show you a little teaser for China Glaze incoming crakle collection which I believe will be called "Crakle Glaze"

Ooh my... it's hot!!!
I can't wait to get my hands on those.

That's it for today, sorry about this quick post but I really wanted to show you this teaser asap and I need to get ready for tonight, big plans ahead.


  1. how totally cool, no? So weird....I wrote about it today too...great minds think alike, huh?! lol...can't wait to try it and to see what combination you come up with...bet it'll be pretty original!

  2. I can't wait for these and I'm sure you will have some awesome ideas with them :)

  3. @rmcandlelight (nailsbeautiqued) You're putting a lot of pressure on me, I guess I can't let you down now, lol.

  4. @Eugenia
    lol, I hope I'll be original, I'll do my best...
